hey readers...
pls tag on my tagboard k???
did band blog today!!
thanks to san zhi's idea!!
ok today got the prefect thing...
ya arrive too early...
than sc damn noisy...
than we all play captan ball...
the yibo[china man] too SHORT!!
than got to pull the tail game...
guess wat all 3 teams aiming for wee leong!!
guess wat i attacked him...
here comes the funny part..
i saw fish sushi with the tail and i tried to pull the tail out
but she protect it damn well...
than wee leong say its HIS!!!
WTH i saw it first k...
end up the 3 of us snatching the tail,
like after 3 mins of fighting...
i ACCIDENTALLY push wee leong...
or he VERY CLUMSY fall down!!lols...
than colin run past try to get the tail...
[ i guess his the one who pushed wee leong]
now 4 people fighting over the damn tail...
wee leong still on the floor....
than game master came, interupted everything...
than after tat got the orientation planning thing...
sad sia...
kena drawn out...
i wan help also cannot...
than got this reflection thing!!!
choon wei and nurul quarelling...
than the choon wei tempting her...[cos she fasting mah]
mirza forgotten to return my pen till i tell him...
went tp with eagan,jing ru and derine...
eat lunch...
than suddenly andrew come...
super random..
than i was the last one to finish wth...
than eagan say...
vanessa you dun like to eat vegetable right???
ya... i not like him eat until the whole bento so clean...
he's a weirdo k???
ya holidays going end liao so sad haven't finish hmwk...
for now bye!!