Dear blog:
I feel extremely happy right now and I don't know why!
CNY have been rather great ($$rolling in)
Not only that gotta catch up with loads of ppl. I have very little relatives in SG but who cares! I still have my FRIENDS!
TOG just came and left, today was just so perfect! I love those texts the little convo we had, it made me feel special! The way you say my name is just so awesome! HAHAHA and yeah we watched MADAGASCAR! <3
Kyra- King Lemur
Jared- Kyra's slave (the small lemur assistant)
Mike- the whole lot of monkeys!
Joel- Alex the lion
William- the monkey with the suit
Jayne- Gloria
Jaclyn- the giraffe (er what's his name?!?)
ME- the small penguin!
Earnest- the cute little thingy getting chased around by the shark <3

(yeah that cute thing up there)
WE PLAYED CARDS (oh I'm bad!)
And I keep earning though (;
4 blackjacks which I keep forgetting to reveal at the start! HHAHA
than they played poker (I have no idea how to :/ wtshit is flush?!?)
teamed with jac freaking hilarious I swear! At least we weren't the last! (not like earnest and mike (;)
HAHA THAN THEY LEFT! I miss them like shit now, stupid Cantonese butlers of mine!
Omg there's still guests! :/ signing off <3

have a heart for them they may be different but they are still humans