yo people!!!!
its finally the end of
let me say
what happen....
lessons were boring...
drama was amazing....
mr yeo LQ....say he
can fake tears in 2 secs....
he really look like a damn big
fluffy teddybear...
than we all got to set up our booths...
ya sec. 1's very noisy....
got some of them damn funny...
like 2 girls played the xylophone
1 big guy can't play the tuba....
and one whole class that can
play the flute....
its awesome...
but tiring...
after that we celebrate than
we mop floor...
whole class was emo...
i became recess ic along
with a-----....
lessons were boring...
until mr pillai...
told us the william farquhar...
is pronounced as
william fuck-er...
no joke....
can laugh at that damn joke for
like 10 mins
non stop....
stomach ache....
ya played...
____ with san zhi
and charlene....
than went down
eat lunch...
than pai karh talk
to one sjab
than i dunno why
everytime talk about SJAB...'
i sotsot de....
than whistle while you
work screwed up
like shit...
than san zhi fell flat on
his saxophone...
than i play hunting tower
everytime screwed up...
than suddenly mrlim dash out of
the room saying some
hurtful things...
than hui min also dashed out...
everyone was like stunned...
and we like didn't move
for 3 mins...
than fall in....
early morning fall in...
with st john and np...
ya... performance ok...
but i tripped...
damn pai seh...
miss a wong came back!!!!
yipppee i misse her alot....
it was fun....
got 53 people interested....
i managed to play the flute!!!!!
i going hui wen section liao...
nay juz jokin....
went back with jun long they all...
then cut hair kinda screwed up....
look like cleo patra ...
next week is another busy week!!!!