Just came back from char's birthday...
Oh alot of things happen la
Oiram is happy....hahahahaahahahah
Than ya th normal stuffs
Whee...I guess_____was wearing th same shirt as me....pfftt....
Lols nvm....
It was very fun though
Oiram started making snow man balloons
And me and Carrie made a light bulb balloon
But as usual I wrote hitler suck. And call it my hitler balloon
Went to th bus stop with oiram and he actually threw an orange on th wall and there goes my hitler balloon ...it burst ...fruck him....
Oh band today was shitzz...mr lim threw a tantrum and threaten us alot...
Had bad stomach ache
...oh we were just so obsessed with barricades...haha north Korea and south Korea(inside joke)
Than after band...
Ate lunch with th usuals
Than took neo prints ...
Saw Eagan they all...
Than went to amk to bring them to mtdc... And went home...
' that bench it sat by the 3 williams ; William Farquhar,William shakesphere and william Pickering...'quoted by jingwen aka Stamford raffles
Handwritten vanessavananaluvhim
Tmrw he's ain't coming...having race...but nvm.... ....