Heh i survived th day today WOOTS I HYPER ALL OVER AGAIN
math was difficult like fuck
Ss was EASY!!! :B
English oral... Lol
I somehow stutter every word cos i'm emphasising on every single pronounciation...
Conversation topic: if u want to be a reporter what would you do...
Blahblah i have too much geog i ended up talking about natural disasters,climate change and global warming... Said about sports and wanted to say about yog but got cut off... So talked about climate change to thailand to war... WHAT THE HELL :B
Sat with jesslyn and edward
Haha edward freaking finished my game ... Sherman noob at playing trace. Played nini's iphone
Hahaha justin bieber
She buy paid apps just for entertainment!! LOL IMAGINE POKING A RABIT!!!!!!!
pathetic went home with edward
And studystudy!!!
Woots bio and chem here i come!!!